Living in Harmony with Doc Harmony

  • How To Get Back on Your Sleep Schedule After New Year's Eve

    by Doc Harmony
    Take some time for your mental well-being and use these tips to get back on track after New Year's Eve with better sleep hygiene. Avoid bright lighting and large meals right before bed. Use yoga, meditation, or Harmony's Sleepy Time Gift Set to unwind before bed.
  • 7 Essential Oils for the Best Sleep

    by Doc Harmony
    The use of essential oils for improving sleep quality is highly effective. Aromatherapy has been used in several ways for a long time. With digitalization, the world is changing, so the ways of living are also evolving.
  • Essential Oils to Ease Anxiety

    by Doc Harmony

    People in modern-day life are already battling with time and cannot take out time and look after and pamper themselves. Aromatherapy is very much in demand these days to treat anxiety as your mind and body have a quick response to it. When used correctly and in precise proportions, H.E.A.L's Essential Oils can work miraculously and kick away your anxiety.

  • 6 All Natural Ways to Improve Sleep Quality

    by Doc Harmony
    We all need daily quality sleep to function on all cylinders. In some cases, a simple lifestyle change (exercising & a healthy diet), using relaxation techniques, and home remedies can be a treatment for your sleepless nights.
  • The Importance of a Consistent Sleep Schedule

    by Doc Harmony
    Like eating or drinking, sleeping is among the vitals of your life. Every adult has spent almost 1-3rd of their life sleeping, yet nobody knows the...
  • Melatonin Beyond Sleeping: How Important It Is for a Healthy Life

    by Doc Harmony

    Even if you have no sleeping issues, anyone over 40 should be taking melatonin.  19 Research papers reveal that melatonin promotes all of these unexpected effects:

    • Protects against viral and bacterial infections
    • Prevents cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure,
    • Reduces oxidant stress and inflammation and slows aging,
    • Prevents neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s
    • Improves menopause therapy
    • Protects against ionizing radiation,
    • Prevents macular degeneration
    • Prevents and treats cancer