Wellness Tips for The New Year
January 25, 2022Isn't it nice to have a fresh start? A new year has begun. Having a fresh start means the opportunity to start something new, to make changes, and to live a better life.

2022 is here, and there is no better time to embrace your health and wellbeing than now. From your brain health to your inner peace to your diet and workout routine, now is the time for a new focus. It won't take long for you to change your lifestyle with consistent effort and a few small steps.
We are offering some new ideas to help you care for your mind and body so that you can live healthier and happier. To help you on your wellness journey in the new year, here are 19 Health and Wellness Tips.
Drink Water Instead of Sugary Drinks
American diets are primarily fueled by sugary drinks such as fruit juices, sodas, and sweetened teas1. Several studies indicate that drinking sugar-sweetened beverages increases the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes, even among people who are not overweight2.
It is also important to note that sugar-sweetened beverages are particularly dangerous for children, as they can lead not only to obesity but also to conditions that do not usually emerge until adulthood3.
So, instead of sugary drinks, keep your body hydrated with water. As water is free of calories, sugar, and additives, it's the best way to stay hydrated. Further, keeping your body hydrated helps it function optimally and maintains sufficient blood volume.
What's more, drink a glass of water first thing in the morning. During sleep, your body goes a long time without water. In the morning, drinking a full glass of water promotes digestion, expels toxins, improves skin health, and gives you more energy4.
Reduce Your Stress by Meditating

Stress is harmful to your health. You may experience problems with your blood sugar levels, dietary choices, susceptibility to illness, weight, and more. It's therefore important to manage your stress in a healthy manner5.
Meditation is one way to manage stress and improve health. It has some scientific evidence to support its use. Researchers found that meditation reduces LDL (bad) cholesterol and inflammation in patients with type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, or both, compared to a control group. Furthermore, the meditation group participants reported greater mental and physical wellness6.
In addition, anyone can meditate at any time and anywhere. Thus, it is a wonderful tool to help reduce everyday stress and anxiety.
Do Regular Exercise
Physical activity like aerobic exercise, or cardio, can have many benefits, both for your physical and mental health! You must do this to maintain your health in the new year. This helps to reduce belly fat, the dangerous type of fat that accumulates around the organs. This helps to improve your metabolism7.
Moreover, according to the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, we should aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise each week8.
The gym or at home are both good places to do exercise. When you're unsure or concerned about getting injured, try walking. Most people consider walking to be a safe exercise. More intense exercises include jogging, weightlifting, and yoga. No matter where you exercise, a regular workout can make you feel better and stay healthy.
Use the Stairs
Aim to take stairs instead of the elevator in the new year. According to a study conducted in 2017, a 10-minute walk on the stairs is more effective than half a cup of coffee or 50 mg of caffeine at making sleep-deprived women feel more energetic9.
Taking the stairs daily could not only burn more calories and contribute to your overall fitness but could also keep you awake without the need for caffeine.
Take Vitamin D If You Don't Get Enough

Most Americans are not getting enough vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency does not pose an immediate health threat; however, maintaining adequate vitamin D levels improves bone strength, reduces the symptoms of depression, strengthens your immune system, and lowers the likelihood of cancer developing10.
If you don't spend much time outside, your vitamin D levels may be low. Many people may find that taking a vitamin D supplement is the most effective way to make sure they get enough. Vitamin D exists in two biological forms: D2 (ergocalciferol) and D3 (cholecalciferol). The first is found in plants, and the second in animals.
Research indicates that D3 may raise and maintain overall vitamin D levels better than D2, so you may benefit from taking Vibrant Health - Vitamin D3. Unlike many other vitamin D3 supplements, this one contains no gluten, no dairy, no soy, and is non-GMO. More importantly, Vibrant Health - Vitamin D3 provides 500% of the Daily Value of vitamin D3.
Limit Your Intake of Sugar
There is no doubt that sugar can lead to acne, weight gain, diabetes, and even heart disease. We all enjoy a sweet snack from time to time to satisfy a craving, but according to a Harvard study, Americans consume 22 teaspoons of hidden added sugar every day. This sugar is hidden in jarred tomato sauces, soups, bottled beverages, prepared meals, and salad dressings11.
Try to make thoughtful decisions about what you put into your body this year and try to make healthy substitutions when products contain more sugar than the AHA's recommended daily intake of 6 teaspoons12.
Enjoy A Wide Variety of Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are often lacking in the typical diets of many people. They are key components of a healthful diet because they contain prebiotic fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, most of which have positive effects on the body.
Studies have shown that eating more fruits and vegetables can make you live longer and reduce your risk of heart disease, obesity, and other illnesses13.
Make sure to include fruit and colorful vegetables in more of your meals this year. Sliced fruit and vegetables are also great as snacks. Cooking them into foods you already like or adding them to smoothies may be a good option if you don't like to eat fruits and vegetables on their own. Soups, smoothies, and pasta sauces are ideal places to hide leafy greens like spinach and kale.
Eat Enough Protein
Consuming adequate amounts of protein is essential to maintaining optimal health since it provides your body with the building blocks for new cells and tissues14. Further, this nutrient plays a crucial role in maintaining a moderate weight.
A high protein intake may increase your metabolism or calorie burn while keeping you full. Additionally, it may reduce your appetite and reduce your urge to snack late at night15.
Consume Nuts and Seeds
The fat content of nuts causes some people to avoid them. They are, however, extremely nutritious. As well as being high in fiber and protein, they contain many vitamins and minerals16.
Several studies have shown that nuts can help you lose weight and reduce your risk of getting type 2 diabetes and heart disease. In addition, a large observational study suggested that low consumption of nuts and seeds might increase the risk of death from heart disease, stroke, or diabetes type 217.
Don't Be Afraid of Coffee

There are many health benefits to drinking coffee, despite some controversy surrounding it. A number of studies have linked coffee consumption to longevity, a reduction in type 2 diabetes risk, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, and numerous other ailments. Coffee contains a high amount of antioxidants which are responsible for its properties18.
Taking 3–4 cups of coffee per day seems to be the optimal intake amount, but pregnant women need to limit their intake or avoid it entirely since it is linked to low birth weight19.
Even so, it is advisable to consume coffee and caffeine-based products in moderation. An excessive intake of caffeine can lead to health problems like insomnia and heart palpitations. Avoid high-calorie, high-sugar additives like sweetened creamer if you want to enjoy coffee in a safe and healthy manner.
Aim to Avoid Ultra-Processed Foods
Some foods are extremely processed, meaning that their ingredients have been greatly modified from their natural form. Moreover, they commonly include added sugar, refined oil, salt, preservatives, colorants, and flavors, as well as artificial sweeteners and additives. Snack cakes, fast food, frozen meals, canned foods, chips, etc., are some of the examples of ultra-processed foods20.
The high palatability of ultra-processed foods makes them easy to overeat, but they also trigger reward-related brain areas, resulting in excessive calorie intake and weight gain. Studies show that eating a diet high in ultra-processed foods can lead to obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic conditions21.
Aside from poor quality ingredients such as inflammatory fats, sugar, and refined grains, they often lack fiber, protein, and micronutrients. They are thus primarily empty calories.
Get Enough Sleep

A good night's sleep cannot be overemphasized. It is better for your health if you are well rested! That's right, getting a good night's sleep is crucial for good health.
A lack of sleep can result in insulin resistance, affect your appetite hormones, and lower your mental and physical performance22. Additionally, insufficient sleep is a contributing factor to weight gain and obesity. Those who do not get enough sleep are likely to choose foods that are high in fat, sugar, and calories, possibly resulting in unwanted weight gain23.
Establish a nightly sleep routine to improve your sleep naturally. An hour before going to bed, turn off all electronic devices, including phones and computers. You can also read, journal, or drink herbal tea during that time. Put on Bodytox Lavender Sleep Patches before bed for deep, peaceful sleep.
Take A Probiotic Daily
You cannot be healthy without a healthy gut! By taking a probiotic daily, you can keep your body and microbiome balanced. We need probiotics (friendly bacteria and yeasts) in order to digest food, make vitamins, eliminate toxins, and more. In addition, the gut is the home of much of our immune system, which means good digestion means a healthy body24.
Vibrant Health - Maximum Vibrance replenishes good bacteria in your gut while reducing bad bacteria, promoting probiotic activity, and supporting gut health. In addition, it is rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants necessary for optimal health and wellbeing.
Go Outside
Nature is a wonderful remedy for stress. When it comes to mental and emotional wellness, going outside is sometimes better than anything else. According to the American Heart Association, time spent in nature can relieve stress, boost mood, and promote general wellbeing25.
For the new year, consider taking your lunch break outside during the workweek. And take part in outdoor activities like gardening, walking, and cycling during the weekends.
Spice Up Your Food with Herbs and Spices
More herbs and spices are available these days than ever before. Aside from adding flavor, they may also provide health benefits26. As an example, ginger and turmeric both have powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that may benefit your health27.
Spices and herbs are known for their powerful health benefits, so you should strive to incorporate a wide variety into your diet this year.
Spend Time with Family and Friends

We are social animals. We need connections and community to maintain our well-being. So, stay in touch with those closest to you. When it's not possible to meet in person, try connecting via phone call, video call, text, or email.
Reach out to your local community and get involved there, too! Getting involved will allow you to meet new people and you might even make a few new friends. Don't forget we all need a little additional support from time to time28.
Beware of Dieting
Generally, diets don't work and rarely last long. Future weight gain is strongly influenced by past dieting. This is due to the fact that overly restrictive diets reduce your metabolic rate, which makes losing weight more difficult29.
Additionally, they alter your hunger and satiety hormones, making you hungrier and causing strong food cravings for high fat, calorie, and sugar foods30.
If you want to lose weight, adopt a healthier lifestyle instead of dieting. Take care of your body instead of starving it. Transitioning to the whole, nutritious foods should lead to weight loss since they fill naturally and contain fewer calories than processed foods.
Take Sovereign Silver to Boost Your Immunity
Your immune system is like your body's defense system that protects you from foreign infection or disease-causing pathogens. You can strengthen your immune system by maintaining a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and sleeping enough.
Moreover, according to research, silver, a natural mineral, can help you boost your immunity. It was used to treat wounds and infections as an antiseptic and non-toxic element in ancient times. In this new year, add the Sovereign Silver supplement to your diet to protect your body from infectious viruses and other pathogens.
Sovereign Silver contains the smallest silver particles recorded in the industry. As a result, they are more easily absorbed, utilized, and eliminated. Due to its unique combination of negatively charged silver ions and the smallest silver nanoparticles possible delivers the most bioactive silver to the body for optimal immune support.
Take Care of Your Skin
Regularly caring for your skin can maintain overall skin health and help you address concerns such as acne, scarring, or dark spots. You can use ŐSIMagnesium lotions, butters, gels, sprays, and flakes to give your skin the love it deserves.
What's more, put on layered clothing and apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen that has at least SPF 15. This is because the sun can cause damage to your skin, even in cold weather. Rather than the temperature, UV rays cause damage.
The Bottom Line
There are a few simple steps you can take to improve your eating patterns and your overall health and wellness for the new year. Even so, if you're trying to live a healthier life, don't just focus on your diet. Exercise, sleep, and social interactions are equally important. The above evidence-based tips make it easy to implement small changes that can make a big difference to your overall health in the new year.