Tips & Tools to Relax & Decrease Your Anxiety During the Corona Crisis

Harmony’s Preview:

  • Don’t let stress overwhelm you as it can compromise your immune system
  • Eliminate your stress at home with simple, easy to do tools that you can use every day
  • Know that this crisis will be over and set a goal to be better than ever!
Canva - Keyboard with information overload

Every day on the news and everywhere we look, we are bombarded by information about the Corona Virus or we see the effects of the virus in our neighborhoods and communities.

This type of stress can seriously impact your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

Being confined with loved ones and not so much, loved ones can take a toll on our ‘nerves’ and bring out the best or the worst in us. Living in the global plantation has given us an unprecedented freedom to roam and to go where we want to go, when we want to go. Feeling contained can feel restrictive and confining but it does not have to feel that way.

This viral message from White Eagle, Hopi Indian, North American tribe, on March 16, 2020 sums up the solution to this ‘crisis’ very succinctly:

"This moment that humanity is going through can now be seen as a portal and a hole.
The decision to fall into the hole or go through the portal is up to you.

If you regret the problem and consume the news 24 hours a day, with little energy, nervous all the time, with pessimism, you will fall into the hole. But if you take this opportunity to look at yourself, rethink life and death, take care of yourself and others, you will cross the portal.

Take care of your homes, take care of your body. Connect with your spiritual home.

When you are taking care of yourself, you are taking care of everything else. Don't lose the spiritual dimension of this crisis; have the look of the eagle, which from above, sees the whole; sees more broadly.”


The Vibration of Fear Depresses the Immune System

Good News! There are many ways to decrease your stress and take care of yourself during this time of self-quarantining oneself and ones’ family.

  • Breathe. Breathe consciously every hour. Breath in the oxygen and allow it to fill your lungs. Use this time to at least try some meditation, tapping for anxiety and deep breathing exercises.Canva - Relaxed woman breathing fresh air raising arms at sunrise
  • Try it by yourself or try it with your family. It could really help or could bring lots of giggles and laughter!
  • Acknowledge your tension and know that it is okay to feel frustrated, anxious and afraid. But focus on the fact that we are all being forced (through no fault of our own) to have a mandatory vacation but not your dream vacation 😊 Accept reality and flow with it as easily and loosely as you can.
  • Recognize that you will not get along with everyone (especially siblings) and just decide to get along. Don’t bring up heated topics that trigger emotions and avoid sensitive issues. Talk with your family members and establish boundaries during this time.
  • Simplify Your Life! Get out your checkbook and start analyzing all the things that you can give up/cut back during this time. Have honest conversations with yourself, your partner and/or your family.
  • Analyze your priorities. Group priorities into three categories: Primary (Health, Happiness, Love), Secondary (God, Family, Writing, Exercise, Work) and Tertiary (Social Media, Phone, Events). Recognize what is important to you and focus on those items.
  • Exercise, exercise, exercise! Try to do 15 minutes of your favorite workout YouTube videos three times a day.
  • Do NOT eat out of boredom. Do NOT increase your calories. Eat organic! If you need to lose weight, see number 4 above … cut back what you can and do 15 minutes of exercise 4 times a day. Come out of quarantine looking great!Canva - glass of water with lemon slices
  • Drink lots of water! And drink 100 ounces of water with pink salt and lemon every day. If you have access to ozonated water, one glass of day will be adequate.
  • STOP watching the news! Take a time out from TV/Internet.
  • Eliminate as much EMF from your home as possible. EMF disrupt the bacteria in your gut system. Do not sleep with cell phones on, turn the television off when not actively watching, do not use microwave ovens, keep computers arms-length away while working (do not rest laptops on your lap!) and turn off Wi-Fi routers when you are not using them.Canva - Family lying on grass
  • Go get in the sun and walk barefoot in the grass! Try to get in the sunrise for 30 minutes. Soak in the life-giving energy and ground your body in the earth.
  • Do all the things that you have been wanting to do ‘if only I had the time’. Here are some ideas:
    • Art projects
    • Bake and try out new recipes
    • Knitting
    • Do Heart Math exercises
    • Read books
    • Write and journal
    • Play an instrument
    • Organize closets/home
    • Finishing projects around the home
    • Clean the home and get rid of ‘stuff’ you do not use/need anymore. Donate!
    • Update your photo albums
    • Spend time with your pets
    • Take an online class
    • Plant a garden – VERY IMPORTANT!!!!! Teach your children where food comes from.

Of course, use common sense and follow all of the guidelines. Being responsible for your health and taking care of your life, leaves you feeling empowered and helps reduce stress.

  • Wash hands for 15 seconds before eating/preparing food, after coughing, sneezing, or using the restroom. Soap and water are JUST fine and approved by all government agencies.
  • Reduce touching your face
  • Clean touched surfaces with a mixture of 1 bottle of 70% isopropyl alcohol, 1 bottle of .5% hydrogen peroxide, ½ cup of bleach per a gallon water.

Remember, that when we have an emotional response to a stressor (like the COVID-19), this has a negative effect upon our immune system. Basically stress, makes us use up our ‘fuel’ tank … it is kind of like revving up the engine and the speed of the engine determine the use of the fuel tank. Why waste good ‘fuel’ with stress? Our response to stress has to change as this change is critical to NOT getting diseases and viruses.

There are also products on the marketplace that are very helpful for reducing stress but do not go out and buy impulsively. Make sure that you can afford stress relievers so that you do not increase your stress. And make sure you are just not being impulsive, in general. Here are some of my favorite go to’s:

Sovereign Silver


I only sell and recommend Natural Immunogenics because they have a special responsibility… to bring its new generation of colloids [appropriately called “hydrosols“] to those who need it for their own health, as well as to those who attend upon the health of others.

Bio-Active Silver Hydrosol™ represents the most significant breakthrough in colloidal technology in the last 120 years. It is an omnipotent resource in the defense of health, one with which to confront the ever-increasing immune challenges threatening man, even the whole of mankind. 

I use this product every day and heavily when I am under the weather. Click here for my recent bout of pneumonia and how I recovered.


Up4 Probiotics


I have been using this product line for years: Remember, probiotics are so important for the gut. And the gut is so important because 70% of immune system is aimed at the gut to expel and kill foreign invaders. Therefore, it is critical to keep a healthy flora with probiotics for a great offense against ‘foreign invaders’.


Vibrant Health Vitamin D3


I just love this company and their products, especially their Vitamin D3! Vitamin D3 is so important during this crisis, as it helps to strengthen our immune system. While I am a strong proponent of sunshine and air for Vitamin D, this is second best and will ensure you are getting all the D3 that your body needs. 


My Relaxation Oil


I have blended Lavender, Bergamot and Orange essential oils to help you relax during those times of stress or anxiety. Keep this bottle in your pocket or purse. Anytime that you are feeling a little overwhelmed or stressed, take the top off and take a deep breath of the essential oils. Close your eyes and relax into the aromas. Discover what you smell and how you feel. Try this several times until the pressure/stress dissipates.


Magnesium Flakes

8110- Bath Flakes

Reserve these flakes for those really intense days when you deserve a spa moment for earning that Mother Theresa award while quarantined with everyone or noone. Draw yourself a warm bath to your preferred temperature. When the tub is half full pour half a bag of flakes into the water so they can dissolve. To enhance your experience, drop a few drops of the relaxation essential oil into your tub. Stir the water around to activate the aromas. Spray magnesium oil on any areas that are super tense on the body. Now, slide into your spa experience in your very own bathtub. Breath in the aromas, massage those areas that are tense and enjoy!


Ear Candles

Transform your anxiety into relaxation with our Lavender scented ear candles for relaxation. Biosuns study provided a most valuable clue to the relaxation effect of ear candling. During the many years of candling tens of thousands of ears, I have noticed that one ear candle is just the beginning. As most people lay upon my massage table over the years, in the BETA state (do I scientifically know that – no. But I can assure that most of the volunteers were stressed out and could not wait to be ear candled!) and as I began to ear candle them, they became calm, their breathing became more even/controlled/relaxed, many of them went to sleep or drifted off into relaxing dreams.

99% of the people that got up from my table had a smile on their face and a relief of pressure and tension. The most common compliment was/is “wow! I feel so open or relaxed or clear!” … 

We witnessed over the past 25+ years that the second and third ear candle takes the ear candle user deeper and deeper into healing states of being that were otherwise easily unattainable …





Ear Candles