Silver Versus Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria or Viruses

HEAL Guest Blogger: by Robert Scott Bell, D.A. Hom.

Conventional medicine often calls for the use of antibiotics to treat infections and diseases. But antibiotics lose effectiveness by overuse, and many strains of bacterial organisms have become resistant to the prescription antibiotics available today. Should you try to store them for long periods of time, activity is diminished to the point of worthlessness. Because of these factors, the overuse and ineffectiveness of antibiotics has become a significant concern in the medical community.

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The situation in hospitals today is the perfect example of how invasive this problem has become. People who go to hospitals in search of wellness often end up becoming even more sick from bacterial infections. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that some two million patients become infected in American hospitals—and some 90,000 die as a result of their infections. Such hospital-derived conditions are known as “nosocomial infections.”

The rising tide of antibiotic-resistant bacterial species is becoming a frightening reality, and the number-one culprit is Staphylococcus aureus, which has developed resistance to almost every antibiotic the medical community has to fight it. Recently, scientists reported the first entirely new type of antibiotic in 35 years already had been beaten by the staph supergerm—only a little more than a year after being introduced. “Staph,” says Dr. Jonathan Jacobs of the Weill Cornell Medical Center, “is one of the most common infections that we encounter.”

Another prevalent infection is legionellosis. Numerous reports have been published in recent years regarding patient infections in long-term care facilities, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers and pediatric hospitals, says Victor Yu, MD, of the VA Medical Center and University of Pittsburgh. “The institutional water supply has been the source in all reports.”

In the August 2000 issue of Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases, Dr. D.J. Stickler of the Cardiff School of Biosciences at Cardiff University in Wales, United Kingdom, posed the provocative question, “Biomaterials to prevent nosocomial infections: is silver the gold standard?” In fact, many experts now consider silver to be essential to control hospital-borne pathogens. Urinary catheters are impregnated with silver. The leading topical antibiotic today is silver sulfadiazine. Copper-silver ionization has displaced chlorination as the long-term disinfection modality of choice for prevention of legionellosis.

While promising research has many consumers wanting to know how they can benefit from these products, the specific products used in the studies are unfortunately not available for purchase. Currently a quality bio-active silver hydrosol is the best solution for most preppers who hope to take advantage of silver’s exceptional antimicrobial properties.

When you visit a hospital these days, it is serious business. Taking a reliable bioactive silver hydrosol supplement may offer strategic advantages to anyone’s daily regimen. If you’re facing a medical risk, you should follow your doctor’s instructions for best measures of prevention. However, since many staph infections are transmitted through the nasal passages and upper respiratory pathways, it seems to me to be a wise thing to reinforce your dietary protection against such bacterial infections by gleaning all advantages possible from a quality silver formulation via nebulization. A nebulizer converts the silver hydrosol into a vapor for save inhalation into the lungs via the nose and/or mouth. Your doctor may not be aware of using silver for treating and preventing staph and legionella infections in this way, but you should be. Keep in mind that for over a century, silver has been considered to be one of the most broad spectrum antiseptic materials known by modern science. Today, we know that there is very little evidence of any bacterial resistance to it. 

Bio-active silver hydrosol is something that is safe and nontoxic and that appears to offer real advantages to help prevent or at least reduce the risk of such infections. It may sound too simple, but just spraying your throat with a quality silver hydrosol preparation every few hours gives your immune system a precise edge you may need at just the right time. It does this by disrupting bacterial cell membrane respiration and mitochondrial function. In other words, it stops bacteria from reproducing.

Why does it also do this with antibiotic-resistant microbes? Because those bacteria have only made adaptations that defend against specific antibiotics and their specific pathways of action. These pathogens have made no such adaptations to circumvent the devastating direct and indirect action of silver nanoparticles found in silver hydrosol.

The indirect action is quite profound and positive for the entire immune system and should be understood to get the best benefit of every drop that you take when in crisis. Silver is an oxygen sponge. It has the capacity to carry as much as ten times its atomic weight in oxygen, the warmer it is. This is important because it enhances your immune cell (B-lymphocytes) production of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), in order to further disrupt the metabolic and respiratory pathways of infectious micro-organisms.

In the infectious process, inflammation and damage to otherwise healthy tissue is often overlooked in the zeal to eradicate infection. This is another reason why I am most enthusiastic about silver over all other natural antimicrobials and immune boosters, although not to their exclusion. Silver down-regulates inflammation in the midst of fibrogenic cytokine storms. The overwhelming immune response is designed to heal tissue, but when there is immune disregulation, it often gets stuck in the “on” position, resulting in additional pain and maybe even scar tissue. By down-regulating these storms, silver helps to accelerate local tissue recovery and integrity when you most need it.

The supportive role silver plays in healing tissue is essential in the case of burn and wound care even when infection is not present. Additionally, nerve damage associated with wounds and infection is also remediated by judicious application of bioactive silver hydrosol. If you feel that you need extra immune/healing support, consider using homeopathic Hepar sulphur (for staph), Phosphorus (inflammation) and Hypericum perforatum (nerve pain).

Robert Scott Bell, D.A. Hom. (brief bio)

In broadcast media since 1999, Robert Scott Bell, D.A. Hom. (American Academy of Clinical Homeopathy 1994) served on the board of the American Association of Homeopathic Pharmacists (1999-2001), currently serves on the Board for Trinity School of Natural Health, and continues to provide direct support to those in need and works with physicians on their toughest cases. He personally overcame numerous chronic diseases over 26 years ago via homeopathy, herbal medicine, organic whole foods, minerals, essential fats and the transformational power of belief. Robert has spent the past decade delving into the antimicrobial, immune-supporting and regenerative properties of silver. As a Homeopath, he has dedicated his life to revealing the healing power within us all. Robert is the father of two vaccine-free children, Elijah (19) and Ariana (14), with his wife Nancy. RSB co-authored Unlock the Power To Heal with Ty Bollinger. His radio program, The Robert Scott Bell Show broadcasts LIVE from 3-5 PM Eastern M-F and Sundays 1-3 PM Eastern on Natural News Radio, Genesis Communications Network (GCN), with rebroadcasts via UK Health Radio, along with iTunes, Stitcher, tunein, SoundCloud, Brighteon, Facebook Live, D-Live, Periscope, World Broadcasting Network and YouTube.


Natural-Immunogenics’ Sovereign Silver First Aid Gel is available at select outdoor sporting-goods stores, natural pharmacies and natural lifestyle retailers and from health professionals. Visit or call 888-328-8840 for more information.