How to Stick to Your Weight Loss Goals in The New Year
| January 18, 2022As we head into 2022, what is at the top of your list of New Year's resolutions? In case you have always dreamed of improving your health and losing weight, now is the perfect time to achieve those goals.
However, sticking to a goal is more difficult than making one. If you've tried to lose weight in the past and failed, you're not alone. But you can meet your weight loss goals this year.
Set your priorities straight, and let's make your weight loss goals stick around for the long run. In this article, we'll try to make it easy for you to get going, keep motivated, and overcome any obstacle. First, you must commit to change, and that starts with yourself.
So, where should you begin? Here are a few tips on how to stick to your weight loss goals in the new year.
Keep Your Goals Realistic
Making lofty or near-impossible goals for ourselves is the fastest way to fail any New Year's resolution. If you promise yourself that you will not eat ice cream, fast food, chips, or chocolate again until you reach a certain weight, this already sets you up for failure.
Instead, set smaller, more achievable goals. For instance, you might decide not to eat chips or cookies during the week or reduce the amount of processed foods in your house.
If you wish to keep yourself motivated, make a list of what is working and what isn't. Keeping the list updated over time will enable you to look back on it when you need a reminder of where you are or how far you have come1.
Plan Your Actions
How can you lose weight the best way? Get into a routine and make exercise a habit.
It is important for you to recognize three bad habits that are preventing you from reaching your weight loss goals, regardless of whether you want expert advice from a personal trainer or want to explore your options first. Netflix binges after dinner, going out to eat many times a week, or always feeling as if you don't have enough time can contribute to this.
The next step is to create a timeline with deadlines for short and long-term goals. Putting a date on losing belly fat motivates you to take action and see what your results will be in a year, three months, or six months.
Avoid Focusing on Your Weight
It may seem like the number on your scale is a clear indicator of your health, but that is not the case. As muscle is denser than fat, if you exercise to lose weight, you might actually lose size and end up weighing about the same, or even slightly less.
Your ultimate weight loss goal should always be your health and well-being. When you focus on reaching a certain weight or becoming thin and beautiful, it can lead to unhealthy habits or even an eating disorder.
Regardless of how you should keep your weight in check, you might find it encouraging to weigh yourself at the start of your weight loss journey and keep track of your progress monthly or biweekly2.
Plan an Exercise Routine
With so many distractions and busy schedules today, it might be hard to fit in exercise. However, the two most important factors in achieving weight loss are exercise and diet3.
Making a specific exercise plan and setting specific times and dates will make you more likely to exercise, and it will also make you more likely to lose weight. Even if you do not like physical exertion, you can get exercise through light activities such as walking, swimming, cycling, playing a sport, etc.
Pay Attention to Your Body
Initially, you might feel sore muscles after exercising. At first, if you overdo it, you may feel considerable soreness and fatigue, and you may even get injured. Therefore, you should begin slowly.
Take one to two days off between workouts so that you don't overdo it. As you increase your strength and endurance, your body will need less recovery time. After getting used to your workouts, you can begin increasing the intensity and decreasing the rest time4.
If you feel discomfort, severe pain, grinding, popping, or any other alarming sensations after starting an exercise regimen, stop and consult an expert, such as a doctor or personal trainer.
Make Sure Your Diet Is Healthy
If you eat too much, you can be overweight, even if you are physically active. Consume fewer calories, greasy and fatty foods overall. Put vegetables in place of high-calorie foods.
Focus on lean meats and high-fiber complex carbohydrates (like sweet potatoes, corn, oatmeal, whole wheat bread, whole grains, couscous, barley, black beans, etc.) to stabilize blood sugar levels. You will maintain a more positive mood if your blood sugar is in control, which will help you achieve your goals5.
If you are unsure about nutrition, eat foods that are a variety of colors. Fruits and vegetables show their colors because they are high in nutrients, so eating colored food gives you a variety of nutrients.
Moreover, add a multivitamin like Vibrant Health - Maximum Vibrance to your diet to meet all your nutrient needs. It contains a diverse range of vitamins, minerals, polyphenols, and probiotics to help your body function optimally. In addition, Vibrant Health - Maximum Vibrance comes in chocolate and vanilla flavor.
Prepare A Meal Plan
You may find it difficult to stick to your diet at times since it may be inconvenient. You may be tempted to choose unhealthy options, like fast food, when you are in a hurry or very tired. You're more likely to stick with a new diet if you plan ahead and buy the ingredients to make healthy meals.
Making your meals for the week in advance may be a good idea if your lifestyle is particularly hectic. So, for example, you might prepare a bunch of meals on Sunday, then freeze them so that all you have to do is heat them up on busy days6.
Receive Support and Accountability
Tell your most loving supporters (like family, friends, co-workers, etc.) what your weight loss goals are and how you plan to achieve them. No matter how many times they've heard it before, keep telling them and keep talking about it so they'll be there to hold you accountable.
Often, we need someone to ask us how our fitness plan is going or cheer us on when we lose our first ten pounds. It's even better if you can find a fitness buddy who shares your weight loss goals. Together, you can lift each other, keep each other on track with your goals, or be there for support when tough times come.
Let's Take It Step by Step
Do not strive for perfection, but for progress. The change you're looking for doesn't happen overnight, so don't give up even if you seem to be losing ground.
A person needs an average of 66 days to adjust to a new habit, depending on their circumstances. In other words, don't throw away your gym shoes just yet if you lose motivation in the first few months of the new year7.
Make a new commitment the next day or next week. Allow whatever is holding you back to run its course, then go back to what motivates you. You'll soon be back on track.
Eat Slowly and Mindfully
In today's hectic world, it is easy to feel like you must eat as fast as possible. There are cases where eating too quickly leads to missing your body's signals to stop eating. As a result, you may eat unnecessary calories, making weight loss and sticking to the diet even more challenging.
In some cases, it can be difficult to differentiate between satisfaction, which means that you don't feel hungry after eating but still don't feel full, and actual hunger. If you are hungry next time, ask yourself if your stomach feels empty or if you are not completely full.
Boredom can sometimes cause you to feel hungry even though you are not. Drink a glass of water before eating anything. Thirst and hunger are often confused. Additionally, you might try playing a game first.
Taking a sip of water or chewing a number of times before swallowing might help you slow down while eating if you find it difficult to slow down8,9.
Reduce Your Portion Sizes
If you sit down with the entire bag of snack food, you may avoid washing dishes, but if you eat from the bag or have a large portion, you may overeat.
If you consume too many calories, it will be harder to lose that weight, so you can give yourself a boost by eating reasonable portions.
When you have to eat out of a container, bag, or box of food, only eat a few pieces at a time. Think, "Am I really hungry?" before going back for more10.
Give Yourself A Cheat Day
Cheat days are a great way to reset your willpower. Dieting and exercising exhaust your willpower, just like a muscle. On your cheat day, enjoy whatever you desire so that your willpower can recharge. By doing so, you can adhere to your goals more effectively.
A lot of cheating can undo your progress if you only do light exercise. In these cases, you may choose to only cheat on a portion of food or snack that you've been craving rather than an entire meal.
Make your cheat days more frequent by spreading them out. For instance, you might do it every alternate day at first. Once every two days, you could plan a cheat day. Then you can go once every three days. Continue in this fashion until you only have a cheat day every week or less11.
Don't Let Your Weight Loss Bore You
Exercise and meal plans can be carried out through habits and routine but doing the same exercises each day and eating the same meals can become monotonous and cause you to slack off.
When you add variety to your weight loss plans, such as new exercises and meals, you're less likely to relapse into unhealthy habits.
If you want healthy recipes, you can easily find them online. There are even suggestions for meal plans that you can adapt according to your needs.
What's more, there are many exercise-related resources available online. You can follow along with an online trainer, or you can learn new exercise routines on your own.
Recognize Your Accomplishments
Maintaining a healthy weight and losing unhealthy weight is a lifelong endeavor. With time, you may lose sight of your weight loss goals' positive impact on your life. Recognizing positive changes regularly will motivate you to continue.
In a few years, when you've slimmed down, you might want to display a photograph of yourself at your heaviest as a reminder of your improved health.
You can also improve your mood by regularly thinking about positive things in your life. Try spending five minutes each day contemplating the good things in your life12.
Reward Yourself When You Meet Your Goals
Reward yourself when you reach one of your weekly or monthly goals (without compromising your resolution). In the case of weight loss, the reward might be new exercise clothes, a movie with friends, or a spa day.
It's hard enough to keep any resolution, but it's easy to lose sight of the bigger picture when we think about the effort and energy necessary to improve our health. While you shed the weight and get in better shape, don't forget to take time out to enjoy your life and celebrate your achievements.
The Bottom Line
Most people have trouble sticking to weight loss goals, and with high-calorie, mouth-watering food available on almost every corner, it's not hard to see why. It is good to know that even a slight weight loss can significantly improve your quality of life. Getting started right is the key to sticking with and achieving your weight loss goals. In addition, try to follow the tips suggested in this article to stick to your weight loss goals in the new year and see a better picture of yourself.
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