Magnesium is A Very Important Mineral For All Men and Muscle Cramps

Harmony's Preview:

  • Magnesium is the “Manly Mans’ Mineral”.
  • Magnesium can be easily applied within gels, lotions, butters, sprays and flakes.
  • Magnesium is extremely beneficial: improving muscle and bone health, and overall well being.
  • Magnesium boosts levels of testosterone.

Over time, the nutritional values of magnesium for men have been a topic of debate in the health realm. Most medical experts believe that magnesium has a tremendously high nutritional value to men. In this article, we will be looking at what magnesium is, and why every male should be using it. We will also review some of the best ways to make sure you are getting a sufficient amount of this amazing mineral into your body. 

magnesium deficiency

It is very surprising to know that in today’s world half of the population is lacking in magnesium, especially since it has rightfully earned its nickname as "magnificent magnesium". Magnesium has the ability to make sure that hundreds of chemical reactions run smoothly without a single glitch in the body. Without proper levels of magnesium, one can expect to have CVD issues, diabetic issues, and a general lack of wellbeing.

What is Magnesium?

Magnesium, as used in this context, is a co-enzyme with the right composition to help in the control of different important body functions such as sleep, muscle function, blood pressure, mood control, diabetes, oral health, bone health, etc.

Let's take a look at a number of important reasons why magnesium is such an essential mineral for men, especially for those that enjoy going to the gym.

Why Men Need A Healthy Daily Intake of Magnesium

Do you find yourself frequently at the gym, but still desire to see better results than you are already getting? If yes, it's probably time for you to sit down and analyze your needs and strategy. It is very likely that you are missing a good dose of magnesium. In fact, this is the most popular reason why men use magnesium. Here are some of the reasons you should incorporate magnesium into your gym routine:

Muscle cramps:  This is a very popular use of magnesium. Using magnesium lotionsgels, flakesoils and body butters will allow you to easily apply a dose of magnesium to the affected area where you are cramping. Applying magnesium transdermally works very quickly, so you will feel relief within just a few minutes after the application.  Alleviating magnesium deficiency symptoms like muscle cramp is easy and only take a few minutes a day!

Testosterone Levels: Magnesium boosts levels of free testosterone. “Biological Trace Elements Research” published a study which showed reports that in four weeks men who used magnesium experienced a rise in both free and total testosterone levels. This held true for men that were active or sedentary.

Bones: Greater intake of magnesium is related to greater bone mass density. Using magnesium transdermally is an extremely effective way to support and maintain bone health efficiently and economically.

Exercise Recovery and Performance: A study in the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine discovered that there was a positive effect on both resting and post exercise blood pressure when the subjects used magnesium supplementation. [2]

Overall: Magnesium also improves muscle flexibility and helps develop stronger muscles, while supporting your cardiovascular health.

As you can see, it is little wonder that magnesium has been labeled “magnificent magnesium.” We think it should be called the “manly man’s supplement.”

There are different methods of applying magnesium, however, skin application facilitates easier absorption of active ingredients, while preventing the need for them to pass through the digestive system. This characteristic has further endeared the transdermal use of magnesium lotions, gels, flakes, oils and body butters as a popular form of medication.

Application and Dosage

The recommended daily intake of magnesium for men is between 400-420 mg per day. 

There is a lot to learn about this mineral, however, this article focuses on highlighting some of the most important things to note for men. Researches are still discovery everyday more and more use cases of magnesium. Stay tuned for updates. 

Magnesium benefits are profound.  Avoid a magnesium deficiency and stay healthy.  Start with eating foods high in magnesium.  Beware of symptoms of magnesium deficiency.  Using magnesium chloride is easy.  Learn how to use magnesium lotions, gels, flakes, oils and body butters to maintain healthy levels of magnesium in your body.

If you are interested in trying out OSI Magnesium, please click below to take advantage of our discount: 

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[1] Cinar V et al. Effects of magnesium supplementation on testosterone levels of athletes and sedentary subjects at rest and after exhaustion. Biological Trace Element Research 2011 Apr; 140(1): 18-23

[2] Kass LS et al. A pilot study on the effects of magnesium supplementation with high and low habitual dietary magnesium intake on resting and recovery from aerobic and resistance exercise and systolic blood pressure. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 2013 Mar 1; 12(1): 144-50